#coachmecoach #canestalklive #miamihurricanes #hurricanes #collegefootball #ncaa #ncaafootball #hayesstreet #podcast #fsuseminoles #floridastate #rivalryweek
Coach Hayes breaks down the Miami Hurricanes’ performance against FSU, a victory that solidifies their status as the official state champs!
Power Chip Ranking System
Coach Hayes created his own player ranking system. to learn more about it click the following link. Click here https://youtu.be/echEOY__5aI
Coach Hayes Football has created a segment called W.R.E. (Watch – React – Evaluate). In this segment, we will be watching player highlights and giving an unbiased reaction and evaluation based solely on the highlight film.
Po’ lil Timmy Merch: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCiU3F0NPnqqpovm7fHxtvtA/store
Social Media & Website
Twitter: Twitter.com/CoachHayesFB
Facebook: facebook.com/CoachHayesFootball
Instagram: @CoachHayesFootball
Website: http://www.CoachHayesFootball.com